Professor Timo Meynhardt, HHL Leipzig
In times of echo chambers, filter bubbles and contested truth, we need more than...
- vom März 17, 2020
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Professor Dr. Santiago de Iñiguez Onzoño, IE Business School
Given today's rapid changes at business schools, being punctually and fully informed becomes crucial...
- vom Mai 4, 2014
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Kai Peters, Pro-Vice-Chancellor at the Coventry University Group
Bärbel Schwertfeger is one of the world’s most knowledgeable journalists and commentators about the...
- vom Mai 4, 2014
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Professor Dr. Wolfgang Jenewein, Universtät St. Gallen
Bärbel Schwertfeger is an accomplished and knowledgeable expert in the area of management education....
- vom Mai 4, 2014
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Professor Dr. Michael Frenkel, WHU
Bärbel Schwertfeger is one of the best informed observers of the MBA market and...
- vom Mai 4, 2014
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Professor Dr. Jens Wüstemann, Mannheim Business School
We welcome the initiative by Bärbel Schwertfeger, which is a designated expert for the international...
- vom Mai 4, 2014
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Professor Dr. Peter Lorange, Lorange Network
Bärbel Schwertfeger is one of the two-three journalists worldwide with cutting-edge insights regarding MBA...
- vom Mai 4, 2014
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Do we need more Tech MBAs?
A growing number of business schools are repositioning their MBA offerings introducing so-called Tech MBAs. But do we need more Tech MBAs? Yes and...
- 11. November 2019
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Artikel aus der Presse
Executive Education: „Ohne Psychologie geht nichts“
Executive Education Programme an deutschsprachigen Business Schools mit Fokus auf psychologische Inhalte sind eher noch die Ausnahme. Dabei brauchen Manager mehr denn je psychologische...
- 18. März 2021
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Professor Timo Meynhardt, HHL Leipzig
In times of echo chambers, filter bubbles and contested truth, we need more than ever credible voices, upholding the power of enlightenment and dialogue....
- 17. März 2020
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