EBS: Fragwürdige Scharmützel
Die krisengeschüttelte EBS kommt nicht zur Ruhe. Nun hat die gekündigte Geschäftsführerin Sabine Fuchs dafür gesorgt, dass der geschasste Präsident Christopher Jahns den Kanzler der EBS, Georg Garlichs, verklagt hat. Gegen Jahns war am 4.April Haftbefehl wegen...
- vom Juni 22, 2011
ESMT: Escape into the chancellery?
As of July 1, Lars-Hendrik Röller, President of the European School of Management and Technology (ESMT) in Berlin, will be Head of the Economic and Finance Policy department at the Federal Chancellery of Germany. But obviously he...
- vom Juni 20, 2011
GISMA is now an Associated Institute of Leibniz Universität
After being in trouble about its future the GISMA Business School in Hannover is finally on the safe side. The business school is now officially an Associated Institute of the Leibniz Universität Hannover (“An-Institut”) and will be...
- vom Juni 20, 2011
ESMT: another information blockade
The ESMT refuses to provide information. It isn’t the first time that the business school, which is financed by 25 companies, has stood out on account of its questionable communications policy. Evidently the ESMT has something to...
- vom Juni 17, 2011
ESMT: Bought journalism?
Farhad Dilmaghani, Chief Press Officer for the ESMT, has a somewhat headstrong perception of press relations and clearly only keeps journalists who write positively about the ESMT in the loop. He is happy to make positive articles...
- vom Juni 16, 2011
Oxford offers free access to case studies
The Oxford University Centre for Corporate Reputation has launched three case studies that will be available to download from the Centre’s website free of charge. The case studies examine reputational events at British Nuclear Fuels, Eni and...
- vom Juni 13, 2011
ESMT: Flucht ins Kanzleramt?
Lars-Hendrik Röller, Präsident der European School of Management and Technology (ESMT) in Berlin, wird ab 1. Juli Leiter der Abteilung Wirtschafts- und Finanzpolitik im Bundeskanzleramt. Erste Wahl war er dabei offenbar nicht. Röller hat die ESMT zwar...
- vom Juni 13, 2011