GISMA is now an Associated Institute of Leibniz Universität
After being in trouble about its future the GISMA Business School in Hannover is finally on the safe side. The business school is now officially an Associated Institute of the Leibniz Universität Hannover (“An-Institut”) and will be moving into a new and larger building in the center of Hanover at the end of this year.
The school will be developed in the future by three strong pillars – Politics, Economics and the Sciences. The new Management Board of the GISMA Foundation is made up of the Economics Minster of Lower Saxony, Jörg Bode, the President of the Leibniz Universität of Hannover, Prof. Erich Barke, and the Chief Executive of the Lower Saxony Associations of Employers, Dr. Volker Müller.
“We represent the new beginning that many of those involved have wished for during the past months,” said Minister of Economics, Jörg Bode. With the strengthening of the GISMA Foundation’s Management the School will receive more weight in how its charitable goal is perceived, a goal that the State of Lower Saxony had established together with the representatives of the Economy when founding it in 1999.
Dr. Volker Müller also speaks, as representative of the Economy, of a decision pointing to the future: “With the Business School we have the only transatlantic educational model in the whole region of North Germany. It has been shown that a development of GISMA can be of great advantage for the State, the Economy and for Science, and that is what we want to promote together.”
As a new Associated Institute (“An-Institut”) of the Leibniz Universität Hannover the goal is to further extend the cooperation between the two institutions. Not only the economic sciences but also engineering disciplines should benefit from this. “Supported by the new legal status we intend to further develop GISMA as well as the Faculty of Economics to become the strongest research-supported location for Management Training in Germany, said Prof. Erich Barke.
GISMA Business School still remains an organizationally independent institution, that is established and organized according to civil law. The Leibniz Universität Hannover and GISMA have come to a contractual agreement on the basis of academic cooperation and have established a common appointment process for selecting new professors.
At the end of this year GISMA Business School will be moving into new premises in Goethestraße in the center of Hannover. With the new building GISMA moves closer to the campus of the University, extends its physical size and increases its presence in the inner city area. “Ever since we signed the cooperation agreement with the Leibniz Universität three years ago, it has been our goal to achieve a greater physical proximity,” explained Anette Tronnier, Chief Executive of the GISMA Business School.
There have also been some changes in the Senate: in future Prof. Stefan Helber, member of the Economics Faculty, will represent the Leibniz Universität in the Senate. A further new member is the well-known entrepreneur from Lower Saxony, Werner M. Bahlsen. For many years he has actively made efforts to increase the internationalization process in Lower Saxony, and is particularly involved with educational institutions.