Informationen über "Questionaire"
Mauro F. Guillen, Wharton School
MOOCs are a new technology with a new mode of delivery which has the potential of enhancing what business schools do as opposed to cannibalize their existing programs. At the Lauder Institute, which offers the Wharton MBA...
- vom Juni 29, 2014
Bernard Garrette, HEC Paris
On first glance, it could seem that MOOCs (Massive Open Online Courses) pose a substantial threat to the ideal of the culturally and professional Business School, as students now have the option of learning online from their...
- vom Juni 29, 2014
Question of the Month – June 2014
The Question of June 2014: Many schools promise to educate responsible leaders – a real goal or merely wishful thinking?
- vom Juni 1, 2014
Dana Brown, Saïd Business School
Having suffered criticism for training a generation of business leaders who led us into the global financial crisis, business schools have been increasingly interested to find ways of educating ‘responsible’ leaders. Many schools have jumped on this...
- vom Juni 1, 2014
Kai Peters, Ashridge Business School
Responsible and sustainable business is something that every MBA graduate needs to understand, not solely those dedicated to making a positive difference. Sustainability decisions are increasingly made by businesses, with big brand-name companies, such as GE and...
- vom Juni 1, 2014