Informationen über "Deutsche Bank"
Chicago Booth: McKinsey`s Favorit
Die Unternehmensberatung McKinsey & Co hat in diesem Jahr 41 MBA-Absolventen der Chicago Booth School of Business eingestellt. Das sind 46 Prozent mehr als im Vorjahr und 8,7 Prozent der gesamten Klasse. Die meisten MBAs landeten jedoch...
- vom Dezember 19, 2013
ESMT: Escape into the chancellery?
As of July 1, Lars-Hendrik Röller, President of the European School of Management and Technology (ESMT) in Berlin, will be Head of the Economic and Finance Policy department at the Federal Chancellery of Germany. But obviously he...
- vom Juni 20, 2011
ESMT: Bought journalism?
Farhad Dilmaghani, Chief Press Officer for the ESMT, has a somewhat headstrong perception of press relations and clearly only keeps journalists who write positively about the ESMT in the loop. He is happy to make positive articles...
- vom Juni 16, 2011