MBA concentration: Strategy pays off

Von am 23. September 2016

Students who took their MBA concentration in strategy earned the highest early career pay after graduation at $96,200 (up $2,900 over the previous year) according to latest College Salary Report from PayScale, which covered 190 programs that awarded MBA degrees. They also came away with the highest earnings at the mid-point of their career, with median pay being $149,000. This was a $1,000 increase over last year’s report —and the third consecutive year where strategy was the highest-paying concentration for MBAs. Continue reading


Foto Bärbel Schwertfeger, MBA Journal

Über Bärbel Schwertfeger

Bärbel Schwertfeger ist Diplom-Psychologin und seit 1985 als freie Journalistin im Bereich Management, Weiterbildung und Personalentwicklung tätig.